3 simple ways you can improve your marriage without saying  a word.
Shiloh Minor Shiloh Minor

3 simple ways you can improve your marriage without saying a word.

We as women often think that everything can be fixed with a good conversation. However, when your marriage is disconnected and your head is not above water conversations are not easy. I’m sure you've experienced the joy of gently broaching a sensitive subject only to have it blow up in your face. It’s not your fault.

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Relationship Coaching Explained
Shiloh Minor Shiloh Minor

Relationship Coaching Explained

What is a relationship coach and why does it matter to you?

If you are a bit confused by the title ‘coach’ and what that means, you’re in the right place. I’m going to flesh out the answer to three questions:

1.Why do coaches only need 1 member of the couple to participate?

2.What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

3.What kind of person needs a coach?

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